Web Charts DRM-Log Plotter
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Dream Test
Freq.: 3560 kHz
Site: No Record
Date: 2019-08-27
All values at log start
Mode: B / 4,5 kHz
Bitrate: 8.64 kbps
Prot. Lev.: 1 / 0
Decoded Audio:
11.93 %
89.12 %
SNR values:
Max.: 14.46 dB
Min.: 2.32 dB
Average: 8.83 dB
Doppler values:
Max.: 2.39 Hz
Min.: 0.52 Hz
Average: 0.86 Hz
Delay values:
Max.: 10.55 ms
Min.: 0.12 ms
Average: 4.98 ms
189 errors in Sync (3.86 %)
533 errors in Fast Access Channel (10.88 %)
4329 errors in Main Service Channel (88.35 %)
Max. SNR at 10:17 UTC
Min. SNR at 09:34 UTC
Max. Doppler at 09:36 UTC
Min. Doppler at 10:25 UTC
Max. Delay at 09:43 UTC
Min. Delay at 10:40 UTC
Location: Hatorihoncho
Latitude: 34°59'N
Longitude: 138°20'E
Distance to TX Site: km
AZ to / from TX Site: ?
Receiver information: (Refer to the box below)
Mode (the first detected): B3010 from 09:57
Runtime: 1 h 22 min
Software: Dream 2.1.1-svn808
Yaesu FRG 7700, 70 cm active antenna and Dual Core Pentium 2.9 GHz
UNID DPRK(?) "Dream Test" logged for 82 minutes from 0921-1043 UTC.Max. 14,46 dB SNR and 11,93% decoded audio. It looks like they're using the Dream TX. I was listening and I noticed that they used 4.5 kHz BW. They used 400 ms interleaver which has never been any good for the decoding. In the beginning the signal strength was poor but later the SNR improved. The audio bandwiidth was only about 3000 Hz and when there was no music, a loud background hum could be heard. The language was Korean.
Created with Web Charts DRM-Log Plotter Full version 4.3.7