Web Charts DRM Log-Plotter
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Freq.: 7550 kHz
Site: Bengaluru (IND)
Date: 2015-11-20
Mode: B / 10 kHz
Bitrate: 8.72 kbps
Prot. Lev.: 0 / 0
Decoded Audio:
13.16 %
91.48 %
SNR values:
Max.: 30.71 dB
Min.: 0.76 dB
Average: 11.75 dB
Doppler values:
Max.: 2.70 Hz
Min.: 0.16 Hz
Average: 0.53 Hz
Delay values:
Max.: 10.56 ms
Min.: 0.10 ms
Average: 1.80 ms
1279 errors in Sync (7.83 %)
1391 errors in Fast Access Channel (8.52 %)
14940 errors in Main Service Channel (91.49 %)
Max. SNR at 21:59 UTC
Min. SNR at 21:49 UTC
Max. Doppler at 22:24 UTC
Min. Doppler at 22:00 UTC
Max. Delay at 21:45 UTC
Min. Delay at 22:24 UTC
Logging location:
Latitude: 59°25'N
Longitude: 18°01'E
Distance to TX Site: 7049 km
AZ to / from TX Site: 110 / 331 deg.
Receiver information: (Refer to the box below)
Mode (the first detected): B0000 from 17:57
Runtime: 4 h 32 min
Software: Dream 1.6.1cvs
Yaesu FRG 7700, 70 cm active antenna and Dual Core Pentium 2.7 GHz
The last three transmissions on 7550 kHz have been hampered with some kind of problem. Yesterday was no exception. It started out with low SNR and sporadic audio until around 2044 when something happened. The SNR fell and the RF signal decreased about 10 dB. Did they switch antennas? Later, after a short TX break the signal came back with around 30 dB SNR but no audio, but the end of the transmission was in AM, not DRM.
Created with Web Charts DRM-Log Plotter Full version 4.1.4